● Length:72mm
● Weight:30.0g
● 650mAh high-safety, high-capacity,
high-magnification and high-stability
dedicated lithium battery
color: cherry, silver, white, purple, red, black,
green, blue, brassy, titanium, pink.
Universal accessories:
● 510, 510-T, eGo, eGo-T atomizers
A MCU main control chip inside the body shows high performance and stability.
The battery uses high technology, including 3.3V constant voltage output, protections against short circuit, protection against over-charging and discharging, and ensures continuous working of atomizers
1, The protection switch has the lock/unlock function, making it safer and easier to use and this can prevent accidental battery discharge when not in use.
2, On the end of the battery, there are the branded laser and silk-screen, being the significant symbols of Joyetech brand establishment.
3, Screw battery into the hole on the atomizer and gently push the tank cartridge into the atomizer, then it's ready for use.
4, Battery can be easily charged with the assorted USB chargers and there are various chargers for your choices.
Colors Available for Your Choices